Food & Nutrition

It's unclear whether Big Agriculture, or small local farms, can save humanity from itself. Yet both groups sit on the sidelines yelling at each other without clear long-term strategies, suggesting that humanity is doomed unless the deniers are right.
Nationwide mandatory labeling of menus in chain restaurants has been in place for 18 months now, and the results are starting to come in. Is it changing our food choices? Maybe, but only a teeny bit and only for a while.
In nutrition, bashing sugar is all the rage. Over roughly the last 20 years, many researchers and health commentators have moved beyond implicating sugar as a cause of life-threatening disease, to blaming it for more mild concerns, even acne. Is it true? Let's find out.
The giant supermarket chain is long on marketing but short on science; this is hardly news. However, its officials apparently can't fathom the irony of selling nitrate-free meat in addition to nitrate dietary supplements. But we do.
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." That quote, wrongly attributed to Benjamin Franklin, could still be true, but not for the reason most of us would think. Scientific research suggests that it is the flavor, not the presence of alcohol, that makes drinkers happy.
Acai breakfast bowls are available in nearly every trendy smoothie and juice bar. But if you haven’t indulged in this particular "superfood" fad yet, you haven’t missed out. Turns out acai bowls don’t actually provide a healthy start to the day after all. That's because they're nutritionally equivalent to three bowls of Froot Loops.
The science of our health and nutrition has been a hot mess for some time, with multiple conflicting studies all claiming the scientific truth. The recent study on red meat's role in our health is different in several meaningful ways: in how it reports outcomes; how it communicates the certainty of the findings; its intellectual transparency; and to whom it is addressed. Let’s break it down.
In the insane universe of dietary fads and fears, at any given time there's always a food that is "super" and another that is a "killer." With rare exceptions, both descriptions are wrong. One of the perennial "bad guys" is high fructose corn syrup. Nutritionist Angela Dowden explains why the reputation of HFCS is not deserved.
A new study looks at how the American diet has changed after 17 years of cajoling. It's time to begin thinking outside the box -- pizza or otherwise.
Since nails can be an important source of health information, it is important to keep them in tip-top shape. To do so, you may want to note the following do's and don’ts and facts and myths.
Dietary science is shaky on a good day. When you throw in new and/or trendy terms, like microbiota, vegan, and plant-based, it becomes even shakier. Angela Dowden tries to digest (sorry) a new study that looks at weight loss, diabetes, vegan diets and gut microbiota. The results may surprise you.
A new study looks at how eating habits are passed along generation to generation, and species to species. Humans are the rare exception, eating from both the meat and plant side of the buffet.