Food & Nutrition

Apparently, you can make any claim with an Asterisk (*), so long as the asterisk clarifies that your claim isn't true. In one of Dr. Oz's latest press releases, the TV 'doc' touts apple cider vinegar (or any vinegar) as a miracle health benefit: it improves blood flow, prevents diabetes, encourages weight loss, and prevents cancer. But not too long ago on the Dr. Oz show, he caveats his claims by saying this: "
When it comes to cooking, olive oil takes the cake for nutrition, flavor, and healthy fats. So it makes sense that someone would find a reason to hate it; it's the anti-science way, after all! Internet rumors swirl about the low smoke point of olive oil and claims that reaching it is potentially toxic to your health. It isn't true, and here's why.    
This egg update isn't about the usual "there's too much cholesterol" or "only eat the white parts" topics (neither of which have any basis in science, by the way). It's about a terrifically lame website lacking factual fitness that ranks ways to prepare an egg from most healthy to most dangerous. Not only is this silly – it's dead wrong.
The group World Action on Science and Health has declared March 20-26 to be Salt Awareness Week. They're encouraging everyone to decrease salt consumption to reduce the risk of hypertension, heart disease and stroke. But a recent analysis suggests that this advice may be too broad a brushstroke for the majority of people.
Why on earth are millennials drinking collagen? That's easy: because celebrities are doing it.. DUH. Perhaps a little lesson in science is in order.
Would interpretive food labels help people make better food choices? In New Zealand, at least, they did help those who used them the most. But overall — not so much.
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, Krispy Kreme is covering their donuts in green glaze. That's right - they are making green donuts. And, while you may be able to make junk food green - you can't count it as 'eating your greens'.  
The uber-restrictive nature of the power couple's diet, along with his claim that he never cheats (deflated footballs aside) is, like all things Brady, a bit super human. Now, an online meal delivery service has teamed with the QB to help you achieve top athletic performance – or to deliver gingered amaranth greens for your TV-game viewing.
Drinking raw milk, or consuming products made from it, can be dangerous, as evidenced by a recent outbreak of listeriosis stemming from unpasteurized cheeses made in New York state. Although the risk of death is not as great as it would be from playing Russian roulette, it's not zero, as two deaths to date can attest.
Gluten-free is one of the latest food fads to take America by storm — but does everyone who espouses a gluten-free diet really need one? A recent study sought to examine who requires such a regimen, and how reliably such determinations are made.
When a well-respected researcher proposes a strange way to influence people's food choices – with the goal of reducing obesity – one must pay attention, but not necessarily go along on that particular ride.
The Environmental Working Group is out with its latest "Dirty Dozen List," highlighting foods it believes you should most fear. That's bad news for farmers, and certainly America's poor. That's because even if you score nearly perfect on this test, you could still fail.