biomedical research

Animal research’s benefits are clear – but public awareness of what it involves is not.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan recently announced their intention to "cure, prevent or manage all disease within our children's lifetime." But if that's their goal, then perhaps their initial funding ought to be aimed at fighting the underlying cause of so much of the world's suffering – poverty.
Concluding our two-part series on important melanoma topics, we focus on immunotherapy and the new frontier in the areas of research and treatment by engaging three experts from the Wistar Institute Melanoma Research Center.  
Did you know Bob Marley died of melanoma? Or, that Jimmy Carter was recently "cured" of metastatic melanoma? Many misperceptions abound with respect to skin cancer — specifically melanoma — so we will address them here with Part 1 of a two-part series. To debunk myths about who is at risk, discuss hot topics in the field and learn what treatments loom on the horizon, I enlisted the help of three leading melanoma researchers from The Wistar Institute —our nation’s first independent biomedical research facility where I am a member of the leadership council.