
European Court of Justice
Europeans, who overwhelmingly claim to accept the science consensus on climate change, deny a far stronger consensus on biotechnology and believe GMOs are a crime against nature because a gene has been precisely modified by scientists.
A viral video by "Attn:", an activist website that produces extremely popular segments, is spreading lies about food processing in the United States and Europe. Don't fall for it.
Last year, Italy had more than 5,000 cases, for an incidence of 8 per 100,000 people. Meanwhile, the United States had 118 cases, for an incidence of roughly 0.04 per 100,000 people. The populist politicians and anti-vaxxers are to blame.
A traveler who smokes should be able to wait to light up until he, or she, gets home. But if that's not possible, the nicotine craving can be satisfied with a layover in Europe or Asia.
It's not really news anymore that Europe is in the middle of a significant measles outbreak. New reports say that there have been 35 measles related deaths in the last year (measles kills about 1 in every 1000 people that contract it) which brings the outbreak in Europe squarely into crisis mode. 
Despite the common notion among Americans that Europe is a progressive, technologically advanced utopia, the reality is that the continent -- when it comes to matters of science -- is rather backward. Now, a very harsh report in the most recent issue of Trends in Biotechnology underscores the infuriating extent of the problem.
Over the past few days several European countries have announced they'll opt out of an EU law permitting the cultivation of approved GMO crops. However, Romania bucking the trend and aligning itself with science, has proudly announced it is opting-in.
A supposedly scientific body in the EU has called for stringent restrictions and bans on neonicotinoid (neonics) pesticides, based on...who knows what? Sustainability? Biodiversity? Whatever: the evidence on bee colony effects didn t work, so let s try these.
Dr. Gilbert Ross in The Parliament Magazine, October 13, 2014. The EU's five-year process of revising the tobacco products directive (TPD) has resulted in a nearly-unmitigated disaster. Eschewing at every opportunity science-based (or even rational) policy, a conflicted, unaccountable bunch of commissars, (I mean commissioners) working in secret and in concert with like-minded petty
r. Gilbert Ross in the EUReporter, October 13, 2014. The EU s five-year process of revising the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) has resulted in a nearly-unmitigated disaster. Eschewing at every opportunity science-based (or even rational) policy, a conflicted,