health and safety

Wrapped in the same warm bundle of joy with a new baby is a tremendous responsibility. Helping an infant grow to be healthy and free from injury into the teen years is an awesome task. Feeding, vaccination and child-proofing questions take a back seat to increasingly complex issues.The job of keeping your children healthy and safe is further complicated by myths and misconceptions about matters of safety and good health. Should a parent be concerned about lead poisoning? What about pesticides in food or carcinogens in the water supply? What exactly should a parent be most concerned about?
This report was prepared by Krisitine Napier, M.P.H., R.D., a Cleveland-based health and science writer. Wrapped in the same warm bundle of joy with a new baby is a tremendous responsibility. Helping an infant grow to be healthy and free from injury into the teen years is an awesome task. Feeding, vaccination and child-proofing questions take a back seat to increasingly complex issues. The job of keeping your children healthy and safe is further complicated by myths and misconceptions about matters of safety and good health. Should a parent be concerned about lead poisoning? What about pesticides in food or carcinogens in the water supply? What exactly should a parent be most concerned about?