
Apple or pear? These are two fruits often used to describe an individual s body shape. An apple-shaped person tends to carry excess fat around the midsection and a pear-shaped person carries more fat in
We ve all heard it before many times Eat more fruit and vegetables for a healthy, balanced diet. But what if you can t? What if you live in a so-called food desert where really fresh produce is not to be found? And even if it were around, you couldn t afford it?
For years, we ve been hearing about how the obesity epidemic will pose an ever-greater public health threat if we don t somehow manage to slow it down. Obesity puts one at risk for diabetes, debilitating arthritis
Last June, California lawmakers introduced a bill requiring soft drinks to be labeled with a warning linking the drinks to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. The bill was defeated by the state assembly. Now New York is
The New York Times editorial board tried no, they really did to adopt a science-based position on sugary beverages. But, alas, their belief in Big Corporate Conspiracy theories held sway at last. Big Soda cannot win with the Times.
The latest in health news: Attack on sugary drinks is back, Alzheimer's in a dish for research, and why rapid weight loss may not result in weight gain just as fast
This past June, former Mayor Michael Bloomberg s ban on super-sized sodas was put to rest, but if you thought that was the end of the attack on soda, you were mistaken. Currently, two taxes on sugary beverages
By the age of two, one in ten children are considered obese. Considering that obesity early in life puts one at greater risk of obesity later in life, childhood obesity is something to pay attention to. Now, a new study
Dr. Paul Offit's latest op-ed in WSJ on the anti-vaccination epidemic, a good reminder for seniors this flu season, and what exercise works best in fighting teen obesity?
A report in the September 24 issue of JAMA has some mildly encouraging news regarding the health of the American public. In contrast to the doubling of the incidence and prevalence of diabetes during the years 1990 through 2008, new data indicates that this trend at least in many populations has stabilized.
According to a new report released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America s Health, obesity rates remain steady in 44 states and the District of Columbia. The report also found that rates of
Even if your blood glucose levels don t indicate diabetes, that s no reason to ignore the possibility of developing this increasingly common disease.