plastic bags

Oppenheimer and the “Gita” Releasing the nukes Where have all the Dinosaurs gone? The return of the paper bag
There's growing concern about plastics' ultimate fate, as that kind of waste continues to fill our oceans, landfills, and ourselves. It seems logical that banning single-use plastics would help stem the tide. But a new review finds that to be not quite as true, as advocates argue.
As banning plastic -- especially bags -- becomes "a thing," biodegradable or cloth bags are taking their place. But how degradable are they?
Our oceans, rivers and landfills are getting clogged with plastic bags — especially the kind we get in grocery stores. It's a real problem, since they're not biodegradable. But now researchers have discovered that a caterpillar that lives in bee hives — the wax moth caterpillar — can actually eat the plastic and thrive!
New York City is now considering putting a ten-cent fee on each plastic bag used by customers, previously provided free of charge. Although this was initially suggested during Bloomberg s term,