synthetic marijuana

The DEA recently added six "new" synthetic cannabinoids to its Schedule I list of illegal drugs (aka Spice, K2, bath salts). Has doing this ever worked in the past? No. Will it work now? Of course not. There are plenty of reasons. Here are some of them. Plus, here's another Dreaded Chemistry Lesson from Hell for all you masochists.
Once again, people are taking a drug (or unknown mixture of drugs) called Spice, K2, or by other names, which go under the misnomer "synthetic marijuana." The latest episode occurred near St. Petersburg, but it could have just as well been anywhere. The drug(s) are among the most abused in the U.S. at this time. And, they are very dangerous.
New York City has criminalized K2, or "synthetic marijuana." While this is the right thing to do, the effect will be short-lived since five psychoactive chemicals that give the dangerous street drug its properties can, and eventually will, be easily tweaked to skirt the law.
A drug called synthetic marijuana is now hitting pockets of New York City very hard. Don t let the name fool you. It has little or nothing to do with pot. It is far more dangerous -- and legal.