functional medicine

Chris Kresser has multiple books, a website, a supplement line, a health coaching certification program, and he was a co-founder of the California Center for Functional Medicine. He’s been on Joe Rogan, Dr. Oz, and NPR. With his increased media exposure, it’s important to understand more about who he is – and what he’s peddling.
An alternative healthcare provider with a massive social media following, Will Cole sells wellness and scary-sounding pseudo-diseases. His empire, like other functional medicine hucksters, sells supplements and aligns with celebrities for promotion and legitimacy. Let’s tease apart the hype from the hyperbole.
The wellness world loves science washing. By using technical-sounding jargon, it’s easy to add a sheen of legitimacy to an otherwise nonsensical product or offering. One of the most recent examples is Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, or FBCA.