
The latest in health news: Chipotle, Kraft, 7 PepsiCo ditch GMOs and aspartame in the name of marketing, not public health, and Alex Berezow [from RealClearScience] tells it like it is in his open letter to Dr. Oz- don't miss it!

Aspartame-IIIf you were to name some of the most studied and least dangerous chemicals commonly used in ou

WScreen Shot 2014-01-23 at 1.20.11 PMhile we don t always agree with the FDA s actions, yesterd

Dr. Josh Bloom on Science 2.0, May 21, 2014.

Screen Shot 2014-05-20 at 12.40.09 PMCritics of aspartame (NutraSweet) who may be getting tired

In the no news is no news department, one of the most studied chemicals ever - Aspartame, NutraSweet - has gotten a clean bill of health from the European Food Safety A

Foods and beverages containing sugar substitutes are widely used in the United States and other countries; they offer attractive dietary options for people who are trying to limit calorie