weight loss

In this space we've covered numerous research articles about dieting and weight loss especially those that evaluate the effects of low fat or low carbohydrate diets (most recently here and here). Although it might seem that the topic has been thoroughly covered, there are apparently still unanswered questions.
Here's the skinny on artificial sweeteners: The science says low-energy sweeteners, consumed in place of real sugar, can be beneficial to health and weight loss. And the best part is that we have been saying this for years.
So-called "dietary-nutritional supplements" are almost entirely unregulated, yet millions of Americans ingest them. A new study finds that over 20,000 ER visits each year and 2,000+ hospitalizations are attributable to such products. Just say no!
Time to stop counting calories? Really? Doctors say some dietary changes are more important for reducing heart disease. But can t we do both?
Every new diet promises amazing results better sleep, weight loss, and overall rejuvenation. But as with most diet fads, even after an initial weight loss, the pounds creep back up. Gluten-free and paleo diets are no exception to this. In fact, unless you have a gluten sensitivity, you are losing valuable nutrients by jumping on the bandwagon. Watch more Friday Fad Day segments here.
A well-controlled, head-to-head comparison of low fat and low carbohydrate diets reveals (to no one s amazement) that there isn t much difference between them when it comes to weight loss.
Unless you re living under a rock, you must be aware that overweight and obesity are rampant among the American population, and that these conditions (especially obesity) are linked to a myriad of chronic ills such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
The latest in health news: Why a sedentary lifestyle is deadly, but pizza consumption isn't, and Dr. Ross's latest op-ed in The Daily Caller discussing the sad state of our nation's public health when it comes to stemming the toll of cigarette smoking.
It should come as no surprise to our Dispatch readers that we have a real problem with the ever-changing, bogus world of dietary supplements. Although these allegedly non-medicines make cleverly disguised non-claims about utility for just about every human malady real or imagined the most popular of these useless
Latest in health news: Dietary supplements won't help you lose weight, not surprising; get vaccinated against the flu, seriously; and lawmaker shows support for fracking
We ve all heard it before many times Eat more fruit and vegetables for a healthy, balanced diet. But what if you can t? What if you live in a so-called food desert where really fresh produce is not to be found? And even if it were around, you couldn t afford it?