weight loss

As you well know, at ACSH, our job is to talk about and reveal junk science. This is usually not especially difficult, since the same set of
The latest in health news: Attack on sugary drinks is back, Alzheimer's in a dish for research, and why rapid weight loss may not result in weight gain just as fast
Current guidelines when it comes to weight loss suggest that losing weight too quickly will result in gaining it back as opposed to losing weight at a slower, steady pace. However, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Melbourne, this may not be the case.
The benefits of bariatric surgery for weight loss and remission of type 2 diabetes have been studied extensively. However, questions remain as
Obese adolescents are at risk of becoming obese adults, which in turn places them at a higher risk of early diabetes and other chronic conditions. And exercise is an important means of both improving their general health as well as helping them with weight loss.
Yesterday, we discussed a randomized trial that indicated low-carbohydrate diets were superior to low-fat diets with respect to weight loss efficacy. Today, we may have to take it all back,
Catch the latest health news: The diet wars continue- low-carb v. low-fat, is either superior? A novel heart failure drug gets the thumbs up, plus why surgery for meniscal tear due to osteoarthritis may not be your first option
Ever since the late Dr. Atkins published his very-low carbohydrate diet in the early 1970s, there has been dissention among nutritional experts on the utility and safety of this diet species. In particular, its efficacy for weight loss as well as its effect on the risk of heart disease has been questioned,
The latest health news: India and China take many steps backward in GMO advancements, E-cig company fights back, and why eating or skipping breakfast may not affect your weight
Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, with proponents of this meal arguing that consuming a healthy breakfast (whatever that means) is an important component of a sound weight-loss
Past research on the efficacy of low calorie sweeteners (LCS) for weight loss has had mixed results, with some studies showing no effect, and some indicating such sweeteners can be helpful. A new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition perhaps can explain these discrepancies.
Dr. Oz is at it again, and millions of viewers are watching and listening to what he has to say. His latest scam is a pill that he claims will lead to the loss of 25 pounds of fat in one month. And