Everyone is trying to find an answer as to why first world countries, and America in particular, have had such a growing obesity problem over the past two decades. Could our exploding waistlines be caused by the sweetener known as high-fructose corn syrup?
No, says ACSH's Dr. Ruth Kava, in a new publication for ACSH. Dr. Kava explains how the scare about HFCS got started, why it's used by food makers, and why there are multiple reasons to believe HFCS is not responsible for the epidemic of obesity. For example, obesity is increasing everywhere from Great Britain to India, even though HFCS-sweetened beverages and foods aren't prevalent in those places. Also, experimental evidence indicates that sucrose and HFCS are metabolized in essentially the same way in the body, so both sweeteners should have equivalent effects on body weight.
We hope all our subscribers will read Dr. Kava's 13-page report.