Submit an Article to ACSH

The American Council on Science and Health is always on the lookout for excellent science writers. If you have an idea for an article, please send a pitch to We would love to consider it for publication.

As a general rule, we only accept articles from people who have a background in science. At the very least, you should have a bachelor's degree in a scientific field, but a master's, PhD, or MD is preferable. It is also preferable that you have previous writing experience.

Any submitted article should be:

  • Sent as a Word document
  • 500-1000 words in length
  • Written for a general audience
  • Accompanied by a one- or two-sentence summary

Figures and charts may be included, but it is best to limit them to one or two at most. Also, please be sure that you have permission to use those figures. (It is best if you created them yourself.) References should be linked directly within the text of the article. However, if so desired, you may have a separate references section.

The best topics are those that debunk junk science and phony health claims! If your article is published, you will receive a small honorarium.