Organic Oreos and More Science Links You Missed Last Week

By Hank Campbell — Jul 11, 2016
Our links in outside media that you may have missed.

DocHouse1. We know what 'organic' means to marketing groups selling self-identification, and to dark money funded attack sites like SourceWatch and Mother Jones - what it means to a scientist is something else entirely. In the Chicago Tribune, the Council's Senior Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. Josh Bloom, brings scientific clarity.

2. At Reason, Ron Bailey discusses why Americans are so pessimistic, and what our Senior Fellow of Biomedical Science Dr. Alex Berezow has to say about that. We are living longer, heath, with enough food everyone can be obese, with more income equality and with less war and violence than ever, but still Americans think the place stinks. And it's because Western intellectual classes still preach an apocalyptic anti-progress ideology.

Who doesn't think the country stinks? All those immigrants, both legal and illegal, who keep coming here to make their fortunes - because it is the best game in town.


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