Autism spectrum disorder

I almost drove off the road listening to an ad from a law firm urging parents with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to be part of a lawsuit suing baby food manufacturers for causing their child’s condition. According to the ad, the question of what causes ASD has been settled and what remains is for parents to get what is owed them from baby food manufacturers that have been hiding the truth from the public for years.   
The puzzle that is the cause of Autism is one of the internet s favorite conundrums. A google search into what causes autism will turn up 120 billion hits. Glyphosate and other pesticides are popular choices amongst
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) seems to have increased significantly over the last thirty years, resulting in much speculation about the causes of this disorder. Everything from pollution to vaccines to labor induction/augmentation has been blamed,
The prevalence of ASD has increased significantly over the last thirty years. In order to explain this increase, everything from mercury in vaccines, the vaccines themselves, to pesticides have been blamed all of which have
According to the CDC, one in 68 children in the United States has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In Denmark, that number is one in 100. The prevalence of ASD has increased significantly over the last thirty years. In order to explain this increase, everything from vaccines to pesticides to mercury have been blamed
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects about one out of every fifty school children. However, according to the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5)