
In the insane universe of dietary fads and fears, at any given time there's always a food that is "super" and another that is a "killer." With rare exceptions, both descriptions are wrong. One of the perennial "bad guys" is high fructose corn syrup. Nutritionist Angela Dowden explains why the reputation of HFCS is not deserved.
Fiber is an oft-ignored member of the carbohydrate family. But it provides significant health benefits and with careful selections it tastes good, too.
Results of a recent prospective study of food intake in 18 countries —including North and South America, Europe, and Asia — reports that an increased intake of fruits, vegetables and legumes is associated with a lower risk of death. But the same study was analyzed to see what effect different dietary nutrients might have and found that it's carbs, not fat that seem to be dietary villains.
Food and nutrition companies always capitalize on whatever fad diets are currently in fashion to shamelessly promote their products. Science is usually of secondary concern. Now, Nestlé wants in on the action, promoting an alleged nutritional drink, claiming that it's low in FODMAPs. Huh? What are those?
So you have to give up something for lent? Don't pick carbs. If you do, expect flu-like symptoms.
A new study tries to show some adverse impact on mortality from high-fructose corn syrup. But: a) It s a mouse study; b) the alleged effect was only seen in female mice; c) HFCS has been declared safe by science-based consensus, including ACSH s peer-reviewed report.
The glycemic index (GI) is a number supposedly corresponding to a carbohydrate-containing food s effect on blood glucose levels. A food with a low GI value (dried apricots, steel cut oats) has less impact on blood sugar
The science of the complex interaction between fat and carbohydrate intake and health outcomes is explained almost simply in Nina Teicholz Wall Street Journal Saturday Essay. Suffice it to say that the bacon leads to heart disease theory is on its last legs.