
Last November, Maui voters through a ballot initiative passed a ban on the cultivation of genetically engineered crops.
In an opinion piece published in today s Wall Street Journal, Dr. Henry I. Miller, Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at Stanford s Hoover Institution and former ACSH trustee, discusses the significant benefit that biopharming can provide for the development of medicines if only regulators can become more tolerant.
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Last December, Hawaii County passed a bill that banned biotech companies from the Big Island and prohibited all new genetically modified crops.
Sad tale of a failed struggle to educate lawmakers on the Big Island of Hawaii as to the facts of genetically-engineered agricultural products, vs. their superstitions and public concern. The result: an inane and harmful ban of GMO crop cultivation there.
As noted in The New York Times, Hawaii has become a center for developing genetically engineered (GMO) corn and other crops.