From 1839 to 1842, the British attacked China over the Chinese government's decision to ban opium. The French joined the fray between 1856 and 1860. The military superiority of the Western powers resulted in the legalization of opium in China. Karma – in the form of China's payback to the Western powers – is a bitch.
Regulatory capture refers to a type of “corruption,” in which a member of a regulatory body goes on to join those they once regulated. It's best thought of as having the fox guard the hen house. Last week, the FDA’s “top” tobacco scientist left for ... Philip Morris International (PMI), the makers of, among other brands, Marlboro cigarettes.
A recent vaping-related lawsuit in North Carolina illustrates the problem with public health's black-or-white thinking about the effects of electronic cigarettes.
Time for a riddle: Q: What is the difference between Pez and Juul? A: Not much. Both companies sell products intended to help people stop smoking, and both use fruit flavors to market them to children. If you want to see what Pez and Juul have in common you better read this.
A JUUL smoker is injured by vaping, then experiences a conversion and will never use the e-cig again. A modern-day story of the sinner redeemed. If only the story was true, and not a series of half-truths wrapped in righteous indignation.
The Guardian's health page is scaremongering about e-cigarettes and pushing bizarre solutions to obesity. This is what happens when political activists write about public health.
To halt a perceived gateway to smoking, San Francisco recently banned all flavored tobacco products. The science is complex, which is why there's so much room for each side to claim harm, or no harm.