
A new randomized controlled study pits the oft-maligned potato against the virtuous almond. Which of the two causes weight gain? Should we eat this, not that? What does the research say?
Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that consumption of peanuts and tree nuts – especially walnuts – is associated with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. That conclusion isn't surprising since a number of the same authors reached it several years ago.                      
A new study presents calculations suggesting that increasing intake of peanuts and tree nuts might dampen levels of inflammation and thereby decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. But this type of study can't prove causality — so take these nuts with a grain of salt.
In health news: Plain ole water is getting a makeover new, but not necessarily improved, could nuts be the new powerhouse foods? Some think so, and the world lights it up blue for World Autism Awareness Day.
In her latest column in the New York Times, Jane Brody waxes enthusiastic about the nutritional benefits of peanut and tree nut consumption.
Eating peanuts (which are actually legumes) was associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease and death, according new large study published online in JAMA Internal Medicine. Earlier studies have linked high intake of nuts to reduced risk of mortality, however, most previous studies were conducted among people of European descent and high socioeconomic status.
The mysterious world of allergies got a little stranger yesterday as a new study concluded that nut allergies in children can be greatly reduced if their mothers (if they are themselves not allergic to nuts) eat tree nuts and peanuts while they are pregnant.
Jane Brody, the widely-read New York Times health writer, has pronounced nuts a valuable addition to Americans diets suggesting that they can improve health and perhaps extend life.
In a new study of data from the long-term Nurses Health Study (women) and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (men), Dr. Ying Bao and colleagues from Harvard Medical School and affiliates found a strong association between consumption of various types of nuts and a decreased risk of death.