peanut allergy

Food intolerance and food allergy sometimes create confusion among people. Many of us don’t know how they differ in both cause and care.
Peanut allergy is among a parent's worst nightmares — a child is at constant risk of life-threatening reactions. But relief is likely on the way. Australian researchers found that their protocol to desensitize allergic children was effective in many for 4 years after treatment had ended.
Peanut allergies range from inconvenient to potentially fatal. The cause is unknown, but it's likely to involve a combination of immunogenetic and environmental factors. For the latter, research suggests peanut allergies are more common among Westerners, possibly because they eat dry roasted peanuts while Asians eat boiled ones.
Giving peanut protein to infants at high risk of developing allergy to peanuts has been shown to limit the development of that allergy at 5 years of age. Now, a new study demonstrates that this allergy avoidance is robust — even if the kids avoid peanuts for a year.
Students with peanut allergies have forced many schools to ban these nuts. However, scientists are working on a solution: trying to create a peanut without the allergenic proteins. They report they are close to a finished product, but regulatory questions abound as the definition of "GMO" is examined.
In her latest column in the New York Times, Jane Brody waxes enthusiastic about the nutritional benefits of peanut and tree nut consumption.
The American Academy of Pediatrics previously advised parents to keep infants away from peanuts until they were at least 36 months old. However, in 2008, the AAP retracted that
Australian researchers have successfully trialed a peanut allergy treatment in children, which has potential to lead to a long-term cure for the condition. About 1 percent of Americans have peanut allergies, and in Australia, where
Allergic reactions to peanuts or tree nuts such as walnuts or almonds (P/TN) can be life-threatening, and are a significant concern to parents of allergic children. Such children require careful monitoring in their early years to ensure they do not consume even traces of these allergens.
One of the most dangerous food allergies in children is peanut allergy. For highly allergic individuals even a tiny amount of peanut, or contamination with peanut protein, can lead to a life-threatening reaction, known medically as anaphylaxis.