
On April 24, 2002, the Swedish National Food Administration (like our FDA) announced “alarmingly high” levels of acrylamide, a “known carcinogen,” in food. “If what we know from water and animal experiments is true, it could be a very significant cause of cancer in humans. It is not just another food scare.” Put down the chips and those large fries as we travel back to the “Great Potato Chip Scare.”
If the fear mongers about GMO foods don't get their way, new strains of potatoes genetically engineered to contain beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol (vitamins A and E) could potentially reduce vitamin deficiencies in areas of the developing world, where potatoes are staple foods.
Researchers from Boston report that eating white potatoes, even as potato chips, are linked to developing high blood pressure (the increased risk is small). But we question whether anyone should change their diets because of studies like this that show only associations, not causation.