
Seattle is usually the poster child for the consequences of bad policies. But on vaccination, this northwestern city finally got one right.
There are 14 new HIV infections in an outbreak that's hit homeless drug users in the Seattle area. These are the predictable consequences of a feckless public health policy, and one that lacks compassion.
We no longer provide treatment to drug-addicted or mentally ill people who cannot, or will not, care for themselves. Society has decided that it's more compassionate to allow these unfortunate souls to make their own choices, even if those choices are irrational, self-destructive and dangerous to the community.
Eating at Panda Express recently in Seattle, it was hard not to notice that after just a few bites some diners found their forks to be completely bent out of shape. A quick look at the handle revealed why: It was marked "compostable."
Given Seattle's solid reputation for rain, it must be one of the wettest cities in America, right? Actually, it's not even close. As it turns out, among the nation's 50 largest cities in terms of precipitation Seattle doesn't even rank in the top half. However, it is tied with Buffalo for the nation's dreariest.