sugary drinks

Catch the latest in health news: Kids' juices more sugary than soda, misleading headlines don't reflect true improvements in narcotics abuse, & Dr. Ross' latest op-ed in the New Haven Register warning of consequences to strict e-cig regulations
Last week, we exposed the flaws of a study published by a group from the Harvard School of Public Health claiming that girls who drink more sugar sweetened soda have their first period a few months earlier than those who don t. ACSH s Dr. Josh Bloom concluded that
Last June, California lawmakers introduced a bill requiring soft drinks to be labeled with a warning linking the drinks to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. The bill was defeated by the state assembly. Now New York is
The latest in health news: Attack on sugary drinks is back, Alzheimer's in a dish for research, and why rapid weight loss may not result in weight gain just as fast
Catch the latest news on unnecessary warning labels on sugary drinks, why GM labeling is not needed, and why cases of measles have climbed to an all-time high.
The California Senate just passed a bill requiring soft drinks to be labeled with a warning linking the drinks to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. The exact wording is Drinking beverages with added sugar
Coca-Cola finds itself defending one of the safest and most widely used chemicals you will ever find the artificial sweetener aspartame
ACSH's new series where experts debunk the junkiest health and science studies making news. This segment features Dr. Gilbert Ross and Dr. Josh Bloom talking about GMOs and artificially-sweetened beverages