“The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) places all substances that were in some manner regulated under existing federal law into one of five schedules. This placement is based on the substance’s medical use, potential for abuse, and safety or dependence liability.” The FDA has proposed changing the classification of marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug. Let’s break down its thinking.
We love our dogs and puppies. They are faithful, non-judgmental companions who delight in our presence. Many pet owners return this affection by feeding them treats. But some human foods and household products are poisonous to dogs. Can we kill them with kindness?
Most users perceive marijuana as a healthy, natural plant. It's touted as a cure or treatment for pain, anxiety, seizures, and other various ailments. Yet, much of this is false. Dr. Roneet Lev, a board-certified emergency medicine physician and addiction specialist, tells us about what the pot industry prefers to keep to itself.
As if the confusion over marijuana, THC, and CBD oil isn't enough – both legally and pharmacologically – now there's a new wrinkle. It’s called Delta-8 THC, a previously minuscule and unimportant component of cannabis, which is virtually identical to THC itself. It's now possible to make the drug, also called "THC-light," from CBD oil. What does this mean? Read on. If you dare.
Here's a chemical scare: marijuana will cause men to grow boobs. Unlike most chemical scares, this one is scientifically plausible and probably real, something just wrote about. Will Victoria's Secret's business model now expand to include what "Victor" might need?
The so-called War on Drugs, a spectacular failure by any measure, just got more complicated (and worse) because of vaping. New ACSH advisor Dr. Jeffrey Singer (pictured) argues that we are seeing a modern version of Prohibition decorated with vaping devices.
U.S. drug policies are just plain nuts. Pain patients can't get opioids because they're "bad." But your miniature poodle could walk into ... pretty much any store and waltz out with vaping solutions of CBD oil or maybe even THC because they're "good." But now fentanyl -- the real cause of most overdose deaths -- is showing up in vaping solutions. Can't make this up.
Perhaps we finally have an answer to what's causing serious lung damage and death to vapers. The CDC says the culprit is THC and/or an additive, something we explained last month. Here's why we think those officials are correct.
It's time to take a look at the newest gold rush. The one not related to sustainable energy, but to the cannabinoids: THC and CBD.
Different people respond to cannabis in different ways, making a blood THC level difficult to legislate.
Dogs get poisoned, not “just stoned” from marijuana exposure. And the rates are increasing, with the dedicated veterinary services Pet Poison Helpline experiencing a 448% increase in calls over the past six years.
It is immoral and reckless to leave drugs within the reach of children. That five kids were poisoned makes grandpa, who had a medical marijuana prescription, an irresponsible pothead.