
Has the use of the term "plant-based" gotten completely out of hand? You have no idea.
“Anthropomorphism—the tendency to attribute human characteristics to nonhuman objects (Epley et al., 2007)—is a universal phenomenon” It is often used in marketing to strengthen our ties with some products, from Microsoft’s ill-fated Clippy to the widely successful California Raisins. A new study suggests that when we anthropomorphize foods, we may buy more but eat less. Why would that be?
Is type 2 diabetes due largely to genetics? Does veganism lead to more weight loss than other common diets? On episode 9 of the Science Dispatch Podcast, we take a critical look at two studies, each tackling one of these intriguing questions.
New research suggests that vegan diets promote weight loss. There's a little bit more to the story, though.
Homeless people who are fed at soup kitchens typically don't get to choose their menus. But in Bologna, Italy some protested when a celebrity chef offered them vegan cuisine. Some said they'd rather return to the streets than eat his veggies.
The latest type of restricted dietary pattern is "vegganism" yes, spelled with the added "G" for obvious reason which is your basic vegan diet, plus eggs. This is probably a good thing, especially for folks who want to raise their kids without providing animal-sourced foods.
A new study attempts to invoke the Precautionary Principle as justification for warning people against eating meat and dairy. The authors are actually promoting their well-known vegan agenda, covertly.