Denier-For-Hire SourceWatch Loses Its Mind, Pop Warner & ACSH on Concussions, and More Media Links

By Hank Campbell — May 16, 2016
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Credit: Shutterstock Credit: Shutterstock

1. Bleacher Report notes that Pop Warner has become the first National Football Organization to ban kickoffs. Obviously kids should be kids, but with increasing concern about concussions in developing brains, this was just a matter of time. However, as we noted in the peer-reviewed document on concussions they referenced, concussions are not the top source of youth injury.

2. ScienceAlert references our work about Aristolochia (birthwort) to caution their readers that this common herbal remedy causes a lot more kidney disease than anything IARC scares the public about. And this is in humans also, not just overdosing rats.

3. The parent company of the Denier For Hire site called SourceWatch has fabricated another conspiracy tale: This time that we somehow pressured the Environmental Protection Agency to pull down a paper on the golf course pesticide known as atrazine. Yes, they think we are in cahoots with Big Putter and control the EPA. This is standard stuff for them, of course, they have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in dark money from who knows where - they refuse to disclose it - and to keep their funding rolling in, all of their Internet properties protect one political party's anti-science positions while vilifying every company in existence.

Though it's impossible to know, because unlike reputable non-profits they refuse to disclose corporate donors, it's easy to guess who is pulling their strings: The groups who get paid to claim all of the modern technology world is a Vast Science Conspiracy.

4. International Business Times references our work on Prince, asking to have a little sympathy for him. The moment it happened, we discussed it in our advice and speculated it was going to be related to painkillers, and that turned out to be true.

But there just aren't a lot of  good options, and that is something we need to work on.