artificial intelligence

Can a predictive algorithm or electronic messaging improve outcomes for patients with acute kidney injuries? Potentially, yes. But practically, not yet.
We've been recently reminded of one of the most significant false-positives in U.S. history, the erroneous notification to Hawaii's citizens about the "imminent attack" of ballistic missiles. When it comes to medical care, while false positives also have harmful effects on patients and practitioners, the advances in artificial intelligence may be worsening the practice of patient care.
Artificial Intelligence and magical thinking have found their way to the Cleveland Clinic, as it relates to back problems. Those at the facility use buzzwords like "A.I," "platform" and "cost-efficiency" to repackage their care offerings and be on the "cutting edge."
Researchers have found a way to model the thinking of experts, which could allow machines to explain their "thinking." That would be a great step forward in the deep learning of medical diagnosis by computers.