
Since “fake news” seems to be the current buzz-worthy expression, let's point out that we don't have to look very far to find common medical falsehoods that originate in the Land of Celebrity. Like bubble-headed actresses who get attention for no good reason, here are some phony claims that lead the way.
Here's the first in a new series called Annoying Studies. These typically include research that is already known, redundant and possibly pushing an agenda. We start with a work just published in the journal Pediatrics on weight changes and regaining birth weight in the newborn period. 
The recent UNICEF report "From The First Hour of Life" looks at the present state of infant feeding, with particular focus on the benefits of breastfeeding, highlighting the barriers that exist and providing recommendations to overcome them. However, much of the data used to support these recommendations appear unrepresentative of a global population. This article will serve as part 1 of a series of articles attempting to validate the report in its entirety.
Currently, breastfeeding is seen as the best (and some would say, only) choice for feeding babies. And many have fought for years to make this position a cultural norm. But the flip side of this position is that feeding formula, although a perfectly reasonable choice, has come to be seen as a dereliction of a mother's responsibility to guard her baby's welfare. Shouldn't feminists fight harder for freedom to choose?
Breastfeeding one's newborn or infant has become an issue fraught with controversy and untoward pressure on new moms to eschew formula, or "the bottle." But mothers and families should make that decision based on their own needs and lifestyles, and refuse to be bullied by "lactavists."
There is a dearth of information about the transmissibility of the flu virus through breast milk from mother to infant. However, a new study using a ferret model finds that transmission might be possible.
It s well known that breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and child in a variety of ways in addition to the transfer of natural antibodies, it is associated with lower risks of allergic diseases, lower respiratory infections and middle ear infections.
The latest in health news: EWG's Dirty Dozen more like Dummy Dozen, measuring kids' medicine inaccurately lands many in the ER, and buying breast milk online could be dangerous!
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends mothers breastfeed their babies exclusively for up to six months and then a combination of solid foods