I have repeatedly written about the vital need to stop one-size-fits-all approaches to complicated medical conditions and health policy as well as how imp
Lyme disease is a nasty one — first, you likely get a rash from a tick bite you never suspected you had. Then, if not treated appropriately, you may get fever and chills, followed by some degree of facial paralysis and arthritis.
This morning I attended an event organized by the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths (RID) at the Harvard Club of New York.
For pediatricians, it is hard to imagine a week going by without a child accidentally or intentionally ingesting some random substance.
Let’s wax nostalgic. Do you recall the Ebola outbreak a few years ago that brought fear into many American’s lives and ravaged our television screens?
Ask yourself how often you ever think about your ability to hear? How much you value it? How much you—and your loved ones—would be impacted if it were gone or profoundly diminished?
Every year, the recommended childhood and adolescent vaccine schedules are reviewed, adjusted and approved by the following governing bodies:  American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers f
Let’s be honest. It is the rare few of us who don’t start empathetic itching when we even read stories about skin mite infestations or head lice, for example, let alone experience them first hand.  
It is now impossible not to see that a revolution of awareness is underway in America: awareness of pain; and that the US government is lying to its own citizens by claiming a greatly exaggerated relationship between pain and prescription opioid a
The Washington Post has reported that, without explanation, the CDC abruptly can
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