gender differences

It is becoming increasingly apparent that men and women have significant differences in their physiology, and subsequent manifestation of disease phenotypes. At the same time, scientists increasingly view physiology as it changes, rather than as static points in time. Those trends come together in a new paper in JAMA Cardiology, which looks at the most ubiquitous of cardiovascular diseases: high blood pressure.
Here's today's lineup: Why are there smell receptors in the kidney? ... Men and women see the world differently ... Spotify shows us how big data can inform and delight us ... and robots come for the village blacksmith.
There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the brains of men and women differ, sometimes substantially, and especially when it comes to mental illness. But a new book, which is making waves in the media, denies this.
Regardless of what postmodernists say, there are real, objective, measurable biological differences between men and women. That's why sports are segregated by sex.
The reason is that ligaments are poorly vascularized. In other words, there aren't many blood vessels to provide nutrients for the ligaments. And without nutrients tissue repair is not possible. Oftentimes, ACL tears require a surgical graft.
America's worst drivers are likelier to be men or people who live in the South, are either young or old, or identify as Native American. America's best drivers are likelier to be women or people who live in the Northeast, are aged 35 to 75, or identify as Asian.
We have uncovered another gender disparity, not work or pay, but in beliefs about the afterlife and what awaits.
Genetics, age, and hormone fluctuations play a role in women's migraines.
The weekly report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the dead and dying is morbidly fascinating. In both men and women, heart disease and cancer are #1 and #2 killers, respectively. However, everything changes after that.