
Given the low mortality from slow-growing, localized prostate cancers and the side effects of many treatments, deciding whether to opt for monitoring or treatment can be excruciatingly difficult.
Some migraine sufferers are easily treated with triptans or opioids. Other migraine sufferers, however, aren't so lucky. Perhaps immunotherapy will provide relief. Several companies are working on injections of anti-migraine antibodies.
The senior senator from Arizona, diagnosed with brain cancer in July, was hospitalized for "normal side effects of his ongoing cancer therapy." Here's what that means.
Cancer immunotherapy is generating a level of excitement in the medical and scientific community, the likes of which are unprecedented. One scientist's HIV research led him to consider using the HIV virus to kill cancer cells. Cancer immunotherapy could very possibly turn out to be the cure for cancer.
Today s New York Times features a story on a topic we have discussed frequently very expensive cancer drugs that provide only a modest benefit to most patients, but maybe a large benefit to some.
Cancer is a group of diseases, all involving uncontrolled cell growth. The site of the cancer and cell type make all the difference in the prognosis. For example, thyroid cancer and basal cell carcinoma could be looked at as marginal cancers at worst, since they rarely spread and thus are rarely fatal.
Hats off to Paul Howard at the Manhattan Institute for a fascinating and very timely commentary entitled Sure, We'll (Eventually) Beat Cancer. But Can We Afford To? Howard s piece is about the disconnect between emerging scientific advances to fight cancer and our ability as a society to pay for them.
Modern clinical research has turned to harnessing a patient s own immune system to block the proliferation of cancer cells. The