
This past month, Stanford Medicine posted the following press release headline: “A Stanford Medicine-led trial of identical twins comparing vegan and omnivore diets found that a vegan diet improves overall cardiovascular health.”
As Spock and the other Vulcans say, Live long and prosper. But what actually can we do, according to our best current science, to achieve that healthy lifespan?
Womens' differences from men are often seen in the ultimate health outcome: aging and death. While women on average live longer, is it because they choose healthier lifestyles? Or do their genes give them an advantage? Let's explore.
Are those cheery ads, featuring celebrities with a milk mustache, actually beckoning you towards a shorter life and telomeres? Or is this just another "nutritional nowhere" situation? A recent study reports definitively, perhaps.
That we could live forever is a theoretical possibility. At the same time advances in care extend our lives about three "good" years per generation. What are we to make of this? Let's find out.
What we eat – as opposed to how much – is a hot topic, and meat consumption is often scrutinized. A study that tracked almost 100,000 Americans for five years found that non-meat eaters were less likely to die – of any cause – during the study period than meat eaters. Now not all studies agree, however, as some show no difference at all in longevity between meat eaters and non-meat eaters. 
Some good news for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a new study of British RA patients showed a significant improvement in overall life expectancy to almost that of the non-RA population.