New York Times

NYTimes discusses the shady industry of herbal supplements, Caliofrnia's Prop. 65 targets e-cigs for their nicotine, and more support for BPA comes from the European Food Safety Authority
Yesterday in Dispatch we wrote about a study asserting a causal relationship between drinking soy milk from a can lined with a BPA-containing polymer, and a 4.5 mm rise in systolic blood pressure (SBP). Of course, we pointed out
The New York Times editorial board tried no, they really did to adopt a science-based position on sugary beverages. But, alas, their belief in Big Corporate Conspiracy theories held sway at last. Big Soda cannot win with the Times.
The latest in health news: Sure, as men age, testosterone levels decline, but is this something that should be fixed? Why CT lung cancer screenings save lives, and prominent news organizations recognize our late founder and president Dr. Elizabeth Whelan's lifelong achievements in the fight for sound science.
NY Times article on the future of e-cigarettes paints a Good vs. Evil scenario. Unfortunately, there is little guidance therein to detect who is whom. Those of us devoted to science-based public health policy know, however: find out here.
In a city where the technocratic mayor prides himself on making decisions based on the evidence, the proposed ban produced one of the most scientifically vague and emotionally charged health committee hearings in recent memory.