
The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) sounds like a respectable organization. Who's opposed to responsible technology?
Gwyneth Paltrow has a great career. Not many actors can claim her résumé: Shakespeare in Love, The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Avengers, and even Contagion (ironically, a pro-science movie).
There is so much disinformation on the Internet, that debunking junk science and bogus health claims could be a full-time job. Indeed, debunkery is one of the main reasons why ACSH exists.
The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is the Swiss-Army knife for skepticism about the world around us.
The Gray Lady has gotten raunchy in her old age.
In case anyone still had any lingering reservations about Dr. Oz's quack status, he removed all doubt in his recent endorsement of astrology.
Dr. Oz is a fraud who ought to be fired from Columbia University and have his medical license revoked. Instead, he'll be headed to the White House.
There are few places in New York City that I love visiting more than the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH.) It is one of the museums that every single member of my family enjoys.
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