
Two studies show that fewer men have been screened for prostate cancer using the PSA test since 2012, when a federal panel advised against routine screenings. With doctors increasingly questioning the test's validity, that's a good thing. But the real key is whether reduction in PSA testing has led to a rise in late-stage or fatal prostate cancer.
A New York City-based coalition of healthcare workers, physicians and community outreach specialists managed to increase the city's screening colonoscopy rate from an abysmal 42 percent in 2003, when the C5 coalition began, to an amazing 70 percent last year. A incredible boon for public health.
A new study of non-solid lung nodules, followed via annual spiral/low-dose CT scans among smokers and ex-smokers, shows that that type of nodule can be safely followed with imaging, avoiding needless surgical interventions. Some lung cancers were found: none caused significant illness.
A new study in Circulation has resurrected the controversy on whether, and when, to screen young athletes for potentially lethal heart conditions. While a tough call, too much screening will do no one any good, especially athletes.
The CDC has released its survey data on how many Americans are getting the recommended cancer screening test for cervical, breast and colorectal cancer. They believe too few are following their advice. We think the issue is more nuanced.
Many people think that routine cardiac tests, including EKG, stress testing, and coronary perfusion studies, help predict risk of heart attack and guide prevention measures. Not true, for people who have no history or symptoms of heart trouble.
Following the release of a preliminary plan by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) last November, the agency has officially finalized their decision to cover annual low-dose CT screening for lung cancer.
Today s NYTimes Personal Health column by Jane E. Brody could pass for an ACSH publication: Emotion Is Not the Best Medicine. How many times have we said that? She uses the Ebola hysteria as her hook, but the column is replete with wise words.
It may seem like the idea that the more information, the better is true in the medical field. Yet, that s not always the case. We see instances of overdiagnosis and overtreatment as a result of excess, unnecessary cancer
The usefulness and guidelines for screening mammography have been hotly debated for years. Some have questioned whether the technique finds too many lesions that would not progress to threaten a woman s life,
It's been a big day for screening discussions. Screening: good! No--screening bad! Depends on who's doing the evaluations of risk/benefit, it seems.
Sometimes more screening is better, mainly when it involves colorectal cancer and colonoscopy. Well, better screening is better, anyway: a new study shows a strong correlation between a higher detection rate of polyps and a lower subsequent cancer rate.