
Learn how not to fracture your penis. And what you should do if it happens.
Is it time to re-examine concerns surrounding the intersection of patient privacy and a loved one seeking elected office?
First Lady Melania Trump underwent a "successful" embolization procedure for what was described as a "benign kidney condition." But if the condition is benign, why intervene?
The sudden loss of any body part is life-altering. Yet we live in a time with plentiful options that are continuously advancing, and which can be used to restore a person to a high degree of function. 
Research shows mounting evidence that a man's erectile dysfunction can be linked to higher rates of cardiovascular events.
The U.S. Prevention Services Task Force released its 2017 draft recommendations for prostate cancer screening. Here we extensively address the new guidelines, clarify the role of the PSA test, and delve deeper into the topic with Dr. David Samadi, Chairman of Urology and Chief of Robotic Surgery at New York's Lenox Hill Hospital.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) adversely impacts over 30 million men in the United States to some extent.  Depending upon the cause, treatment options can be limited.  Traditionally as a last resort when a man is ineligible or has failed less invasive alternatives, surgical insertion of a penile implant is considered.  Promising technology responsive to heat was recently tested and published.