Ruth Kava

Senior Nutrition Fellow

Dr. Ruth Kava has been associated with the American Council on Science and Health for over a decade first as Director of Nutrition, and more recently as Senior Fellow in Nutrition. In connection with ACSH, she has supervised numerous publications on nutrition-related issues, participated in a variety of television and radio programs (e.g. on CNN and NPR) and published letters and opinion pieces in the San Diego Times-Union, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and a variety of other media outlets. Dr. Kava received an MS and PhD from Columbia University in New York City. She is also a Registered Dietitian, having completed an internship at the New York Hospital (now the Weil-Cornell Hospital). Her research interests include obesity, type 2 diabetes and pregnancy, and she has published on these topics in several journals, including Diabetes, the Journal of Nutrition, and Obesity Facts.