celiac disease

Is it a smart food choice? Or is it just another fad like many weight loss miracle pills, powders and martini diets?
For some, "gluten free" has become a mantra, as well as a trendy diet. But this food subset has always been a necessity those allergic to the gluten protein. However, there's now hope of a bread breakthrough as advances in genetically engineered wheat are moving towards human trials.
The evolution and spread of genetic disease is fascinating because genetic diseases (spread through inheritance only) really shouldn't exist. They are caused by having alleles (versions of a gene) that are detrimental to health and biological fitness, so they should not remain established in a population.
Watch the latest in health news: the gluten-free diet fad is growing, but few are aware of the dangers; more and more women opting for mastectomies after breast cancer is detected, but why? And drug giant Merck is putting out $1 billion to fund its new cardiovascular drug.. will it work?
A small number of Americans perhaps one in fourteen have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. In the case of celiac disease, the only way to manage the condition is to consume a gluten-free diet. However, the gluten-
About three million Americans less than one percent of the population have celiac disease, an autoimmune digestive disorder in which the consumption of gluten destroys the lining of the small intestine, impairing the
The gluten-free craze is going strong, as about one-third of Americans report trying to avoid gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Yet, only about two to three million Americans have celiac
Gluten-free diets are all the rage now, as we here at ACSH have discussed, but many of the people choosing this diet don t even know what gluten is. Jimmy Kimmel proves this point on a recent episode of his show. Some of the answers will shock you. In light of Jimmy Kimmel segment, we took the liberty of answering correctly his questions about gluten in this video.
The three million people in the United States who have celiac disease can now rest easy when deciding what food products to buy. The FDA has just issued a rule defining the characteristics necessary to classify a food as gluten-free, without gluten, free of gluten, and no gluten.