There have been at least 10 outbreaks of measles across twenty states already this year, an alarming and dramatic surge.
I explained that while we’ve been trying to create a universal flu vaccine for years without success, similar efforts are ongoing for COVID-19.
We began by exploring the difference between eradicating and controlling viruses.
The arrival of the next pandemic is a matter of when not if.
I spoke with John Batchelor on-air recently about the important topic of the ongoing measles outbreak in the U.S.
By now, virtually everyone knows many people who have had COVID.
During the COVID pandemic, federal officials pressured social media platforms to censor information they deemed a threat to public health.
From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have been engaged in forecasting the potential economic and human costs associated with an uncontrolled large-scale pandemic, as well as the corresponding benefits that could be derived from an
Should the federal government pressure social media companies to censor scientific “disinformation”?