
Sometimes a picture does say so much more than words.
Dr. Jeffrey Singer's piece originally appeared on the Cato Institute website. It is being reprinted with permission. 
In 2016 I testified at an FDA hearing about the "opioid crisis," which was starting to make its way into the news in a big way.
The Rand Corporation just released their study on the opioid crisis. Everything that follows our their words, gently edited and slightly rearranged. No facts or conclusions were harmed in this production.
Reprinted with permission of the author and the Cato Institute. Dr.
Today's Wall Street Journal article entitled "Overdose Deaths Likely to Fall for First Time Since 1990" will certainly garner a lot of
Have you started your Christmas and/or Holiday shopping? If you're like us, you're putting it off to the last minute because you're too busy with other things. Here at ACSH, we've been busy telling the world about science.
If Shakespeare were alive today he would be hard-pressed to come up with a script that could match the tragedy that has been imposed on this country by self-appointed drug experts, bureaucrats, self-serving politicians, and various other fools.
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