Medical Education

A new study suggests that teaching hospitals -- our centers of academic medical excellence -- are no more expensive to patients than your local community hospital. While we may quibble about the numbers, one thing is clear: the cost of hospitalization is only a little more transparent than the cost of medications. Do we see a pattern?
Our culture likes lists. Websites and media entities recognize people click on them often. The problem is that they routinely skew reality, rather than reveal it.
With doctors-to-be on edge this week, it's important to elucidate the good from the bad of the time-honored tradition called "Match Day."
Doing so is becoming increasingly problematic these days, as another person was arrested for practicing medicine without a license. One common aspect among imposters is that they know just enough information to be dangerous. Here's how to separate physician fact from fiction.
What a medical doctor sees in social media posts can tell an entirely different picture than the one intended to be told. As the saying goes "the devil is in the details."
A guide to those in college considering a career in medicine, or others contemplating a shift into or within healthcare and its related professions.
Are there roles for others – those creatively or empathetically inclined to contribute to the field of medicine – that don't involve participating in the arduous, traditional medical school track? The answer: An emphatic yes!
18% attrition is a waste of our teaching resources and creates unwarranted stress for our physicians in training. I was drawn to the article because I was in fact part of that attrition ... I spent a great year in Vermont, growing up