
A new study projects that the world population, which now stands at 7.8 billion, will peak in 2064 at 9.7 billion then fall by 2100 to 8.8 billion. If the UN's Sustainable Development Goals are met, the population could be even smaller at 6.3 billion.
Conventional wisdom tells us that there are too many humans on this planet. But the data disagree. In a new book titled "Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline," Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson argue that the world is about to face radical change due to depopulation.
Many Americans hold beliefs about the flu vaccine that are at odds with the best available scientific evidence. For example, a recent study found that 43 percent of Americans believe that the seasonal flu vaccine can give us the flu. Scientific research strongly suggests that this is not true. Because most modern flu shots do not contain a live virus, the shot itself simply cannot get us sick.
The belief that people are more likely to commit suicide during the holiday season is nothing more than a myth, and a dangerous one at that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And researchers say those who are vulnerable would be helped if mainstream media stopped perpetuating this falsehood.
You may have heard about the speculation that wearing a bra can cause breast cancer. Apparently, the theory behind this absurd scare posits that bras (especially underwire bras) hinder the flow of lymphatic fluids, preventing the removal of waste,
Our environment is a mosaic of chemicals that add to our everyday living. Despite their ubiquitous presence and essential role in society, chemicals