
Despite a massive increase in population growth and a shrinking amount of arable farmland, food production absolutely exploded beginning in the middle of the 20th century.
After being obese for most of my life, I finally made the decision to get in shape in my early 20s.
Are you afraid of developing dementia in your golden years? If so, a few simple changes to your diet may be in order, according to Dr.
A lot of digital ink is being directed at the socioeconomic factors that impact our health. In fact, Kaiser Health News reports that lawyers are being added to primary care clinics to help sort out housing issues.
“Good advice, good advice. Good advice costs nothing, and it's worth the price,” sang comedian and musician ">Allan Sherman in 1964.
The explanation can be found in the School of Public Health’s website in an article entitled The Problem with Potatoes.
I have always thought that real-time help in making food choices can move us towards “better” ones, especially when motivated by saving a little green as you eat more green. So I was eager to see the findings of this study.
We all know that when it comes to weight loss, dropping the pounds is the easy part. It’s keeping weight off that's hard.
It's difficult to out-Oz Dr. Oz, America's Quack, who has raked in giant piles of money by promoting pseudoscience on his TV show. But at least one person comes perilously close: Dr. Mark Hyman.
The internet can be a confusing place. A five-minute Google search for nutrition advice is perhaps the best illustration of this fact. Allow me to demonstrate with a classic example. Do GMO crops cause cancer?