
Thanks to genetic engineering, it's now possible to make this frozen dessert without cows, at least indirectly. Naturally, the anti-GMO industry is up in arms. They're making all sorts of baseless arguments in an attempt to scare people away from this so-called "animal-free" ice cream.
Buying from your nearby farmer's market offers a number of important benefits. Environmental sustainability and local economic growth are not among them, according to a new review of the evidence.
The anti-biotech movement continues to warn that consuming GE crops makes people sick. A recent email blast from The Institute for Responsible Technology typifies the latest arguments coming from activist groups. How well do these stand up to the facts?
The Environmental Working Group has once again released their Dirty Dozen list — the fruits and veggies they say are covered in pesticides. One minor detail: organic produce contains pesticides, too, but that doesn't quite fit their narrative.
NYT's Nicholas Kristof sure knows how to live harder, not smarter. He's been avoiding chemicals and living clean — as he puts it — for several years. And yet, the results from an at-home detox kit that tested his urine for chemical exposure came back less than stellar. 
EWG warns the public about pesticide residues on produce, and tell people to buy organic instead. What they leave out is all of the organic pesticides, some even sprayed on the day food gets on the truck.
The language of science has been hijacked. Those who are looking to make a quick buck (or in the case of the organic industry, 43 billion bucks) have no qualms about twisting the definition of highly precise scientific terminology to suit their own profit-driven agendas. Here's a brief glossary of the some of the most commonly misused scientific terms. (Note: the health food and fad diet industries are among the biggest abusers.)
Natural foods aren't fit to eat, says science and technology historian Rachel Laudan. The move to eat only organic and natural flies in the face of advances that make foods better, not worse.
Hate chemicals? Then throw out that organic wine. A new study talks about all of the chemicals in wine -- and the Environmental Working Group will be horrified, because that adult beverage is chock full of cancer causers.
On a recent radio food program, a trade representative for an organic corporation objected to labels showing pesticide use. But if transparency is what's important, why did she protest?
Organic food purveyors point out that organic already is non-GMO, while a non-GMO food is not necessarily organic. For the rest of us, it s basically a tempest in a teapot, except the teapot is the source of a huge amount of dough.
Mommy-bloggers paid by the organic industry have been generating fear campaigns of late with "if you love your children ... " guilt trips, pressing consumers to buy organic. In response, David Zaruk says this nutty movement has challenged him to come up with reasons not to.