
Once again, the Ramazini Foundation published a study suggesting that the artificial sweetener sucralose causes cancer —specifically blood cancers — in mice. But a panel from the European Food Safety Authority analyzed that study and found that its conclusions were spurious and in no way should be construed to indict the sweetener. Can we say we told you so?
A controversial recent hypothesis is that the use of non-nutritive sweeteners can lead to obesity because they "uncouple" the sense of sweetness from calorie intake. But a recent study failed to replicate the work on which that theory rests. So once again, calories count!
Dr. Joe Schwarcz, chemistry professor at McGill University, is well known for his able dissections of quackery of all types. In a recent article in the Montreal Gazette, he takes on and (in our opinion) demolishes the attacks on aspartame.
WScreen Shot 2014-01-23 at 1.20.11 PMhile we don t always agree with the FDA s actions, yesterday the agency resoundingly rejected two citizens petitions that asked the FDA to ban the use of aspartame as a food additive. Kudos to the FDA!
Past research on the efficacy of low calorie sweeteners (LCS) for weight loss has had mixed results, with some studies showing no effect, and some indicating such sweeteners can be helpful. A new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition perhaps can explain these discrepancies.
Opinion piece alleging that artificially sweetened sodas are as likely to cause obesity as sugary drinks is not remotely a scientific study, despite the headlines implying that it is.