
When Lars Larson invited me to discuss the recent outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in cows, I knew we’d be diving into more than a public health crisis: It's a stark example of government dysfunction.
Concerns about breathing wildfire smoke continue and are often accompanied by dire predictions of imminent mortality based on statistical relationships.
This study, published in Nature, focused on 1,787 adults living in 18 isolated villages in Honduras.
This week, a new study was discussed at a meeting of the Obesity Society and published in JAMA Network Open concerning the impact of Ozempic and other anti-obesity drugs on an individual’s intake of alcohol.
With the election in the rear-view mirror and the repercussions in the windshield, The Lancet is reporting an update on their Eight Americas study, which is now morphing to ten. Eight or ten Americas? Are we not a melting pot?
Much of the headline science in medicine concerns our underlying biochemistry, be it signaling between cells, our metabolism, what we share with our biome, our immune responses, or the risk factors underlying coronary artery disease.
When dairy cows in Texas started falling ill last Spring, alarm bells started to ring.
Misguided COVID-minimizers like to say that COVID-19 is no worse than a cold that lasts a few days and then disappears without any sequelae. They’re so wrong, and the evidence of that continues to mount. 
The American Association of Pediatrics has suggested in its policy statement that the first 1000 days since conception are a critical neurodevelopmental interval and that a poor diet during this interval can adversely impact the long-term health o
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