
Ischemic heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, became increasingly common during the 20th century. Its etiology remains obscure.
We talked about the risks associated with human error in high-security research labs, emphasizing the need for appropriate regulation and oversight.
“Studies have not rigorously investigated associations between opioids administered in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting during mechanical ventilation and posthospitalization opioid use.”
Consider this a sort of Public Service Announcement about the nuances of prenatal testing (and, in an odd way, about the selection of individual pronouns).
Have you noticed that the television weather is no longer content to report and predict but has taken to catastrophizing the changing climate?
There have been at least 10 outbreaks of measles across twenty states already this year, an alarming and dramatic surge.
Mental illness often responds to medication, but in turn, those medications may cause side effects that lead to suboptimal treatment or complete cessation of therapy.
Since the beginning of the year, the highly pathogenic H5N1 bird flu strain that previously had
I explained that while we’ve been trying to create a universal flu vaccine for years without success, similar efforts are ongoing for COVID-19.
“… 22,000 male US physicians 40 to 84 years of age were entered in the trial and randomly assigned to receive one of four treatments…After an average of 4.8 years of follow-up, the total number of myocardial infarctions a
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