Food & Nutrition

Poor people are forced to eat junk food because of cost, and that's why they are obese. Right? That's a great narrative, but it's simply not true. Here's how it really is.
Is it time for dieters to ditch the written food journal, and go high tech? That's what researchers in Washington State are pondering as they study dieters who, instead of writing down everything they eat, document their daily food consumption on Instagram, the picture-laden smartphone app. 
There are probably few, if any, nutritional advisories that are as hotly debated as the appropriate level of sodium intake for healthy adults. Yes, the Dietary Guidelines and the American Heart Association recommend an upper limit of 2,300 mg sodium per day (about a teaspoon). But some new research is being added to the literature indicating that level of restriction may be too strict.
A study suggests that supplemental choline in your diet is "clot enhancing," and therefore bad. Yet studies say we need choline because it prevents chronic diseases. So what's the best approach?
Public-health campaigns focusing on reducing smoking have shown that including graphically disturbing images in their messaging can be effective. That approach is now being applied to raising awareness of the dangerous health effects of indoor tanning. A recent study of college-aged women showed mostly promising results.
Diet sodas increase your risk of stroke and who knows what else, according to a new, off-based study. But before you you pour all your soda stock down the sink, hear this: That new study has nothing to say about a causal connection between diet drinks and cardiovascular ailments. And here are the reasons why.
If you have a long commute that consists of sitting on a bus, train or car, it may be time to think differently. A new study found that biking to work reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and all causes of mortality. So, if you want an easy way to make a big improvement in your health, jump on your bike the next time you head to work.  
It's one year after Berkeley, CA instituted a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, and the results are in. Among them: there was no significant  drop in caloric intake, even using self-reports and their known limitations. So consumers paid a bit more and saw no benefit. 
Every scientific paper should be required to answer a simple question before it's published. So prior to considering whether ingesting too many polyunsaturated fats (e.g., fish and foods cooked with vegetable oil) will make women lazy, TV-watching diabetics, an elementary-school query must first be asked: Does that even make sense?
Many groups blame sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages for the epidemic of obesity. Some have argued that a tax on them would lower consumption, and thus decrease the prevalence of obesity. But a recent Australian study showed that decreasing intake of these drinks was actually accompanied by an increase in obesity prevalence.
Habit is using a metabolic-challenge drink to understands an individual's metabolomics. They stand upon real science providing at-home personalized nutritional recommendations.
Ever wonder why orange juice tastes to bitter after brushing your teeth? It's science.   Ever wonder why brushing your teeth may suppress or open up your appetite? That's science-y.