Harm Reduction

The Europeanesthesia Conference had a poster/abstract [1] addressing a phenomenon “barely known by health workers,” being the second victim.

Medical training involves both the learning of information and skills and because the practice of medicine can unintentionally harm individuals, supervision, and oversight.

When you mention infrastructure maintenance what comes to mind; roads, bridges, a political football, as exciting as watching paint dry, job creation?

It’s been a while since I wrote about foreign bodies in the body; but, given a recent published case report describes a 20-cm eggplant transanally positioned and stuc

"There’s no pill or capsule that can replace your sunscreen."

A new study published in Pediatrics details the call burden on US Poison Control Centers by analyzing the 156,365 reports of unintentional a

Not that long ago, if a company had invented a far safer way to deliver nicotine to addicted smokers, politicians would be celebrating. Smoking is one of the leading preventable causes of disease and death in the world.

In an attempt to increase the productivity of their workers, management of the Western Electric Company looked to see if providing more light in the factory made for better workers.

After cracking down on deceptive marketing by some nicotine liquid companies last week, the FDA has gone after the most egregious violators of co

As exciting as the latest scientific research can seem, it can be hard to discern its true relevance. This context and significance often gets lost in translation when in transit from lab bench to journal article to the public domain.